Recording Bernie & Jeff at Caspers

Bernie, Jeff and Casper
Bernie, Jeff and Casper

Had a great time recording at Casper’s studio in Pierrefonds, QC, Canada.

Jeff (Drums) and I (Chapman Stick) have been jamming and improvising for about a year and a half.

We do some classic rock, funk and original grooves whenever we can get together. So, on a night where we couldn’t just jam, due to some logistics, we spent a few hours in Casper’s studio recording to see what we would sound like, and to jam a bit.

Here is a sample of an original called “the Lie”.

I’m Back from Surgery

Recovery Oct 2016

Well it has been an Interesting 4 weeks… Had a triple bypass on August 31 and now I’ve come out the other side.

I have been practicing daily and it would seem that even with an artery removed from my left forearm, the left hand has not been affected.

The voice is fine although “belting” out the power vocals on certain songs is still not 100% (the chest and lungs need a bit more heeling… The Doc says probably a few more weeks).

None the less, it’s time to get back out there and perform. So I will start gigging again October 7 and 8.

Looking so forward to these solo performances.