Pedal Boards and Song Writing

 I have a new addition to my pedal board for the Stick.

The original set up has a Line 6 Modulator (MM-6) & A Diamond Bass Compressor on the bass side of the stick and on the treble side a TC Electronics MojoMojo Overdrive, a Digitech RP 55 (multi effects) and a volume/expression pedal (for the RP 55).

I have added a looper pedal, the Electro Harmonix 720 Looper.

The idea is to create some ambient style music for live performance and for on the fly composing/improv ideas when at home creating.

There is also the possibility of creating percussive rhythm grooves live for playing along with.


Using drum loops

When I started out as a sound engineer in the early 80’s there were no drum loops to edit and create a rhythm track.

If you need a drum track, you had to record them and then edit them to make a bed track

Today you can purchase loops by some of the renowned players out there. How cool, I can have Omar Hakim (Sting and Peter Gabriel’s drummer) play on my recordings. (Available at Loop loft ).

Here is a rough track I started out with.