Improvisation jamming and Jam Games

JAM GAMES - effective improvisation jamming sessions


Those Improvisation Jamming Sessions

This eBook/Multi-Media project came about because of my (more often than not) frustration with ending up at “rock-fusion-blues-whatever” improvisation jamming sessions and doing the same songs over and over. Don’t get me wrong, I love songs from every era and I like once and a while on the “Classics” that many players enjoy.


When I started playing music there were many ideas I would come up with that I wanted to try, just like I wanted to learn the songs of the main stream artists, the underground sounds, the funk grooves, and anything else that caught my attention.

So as my musical vocabulary grew on assorted instruments, I wanted to be able to create some patterns, grooves, structures and riffs that a group of players could improvise on.

This kind of approach happens often in the jazz world. So I thought why not in the rock, blues and other styles.

I like the term Steve Adelson uses to describe this approach… “Creative Music”. Now instead of calling it jazz, we will look at how to create our own improve patterns in any style of music that we decide to create.

So what are Jam Games?

Jam Games are assorted games and ideas to help you:

  • create some original music while in the process of jamming
  • develop a fun way to create music that is “on the spot improve” with in some kind of frame work
  • do more than just jam from a “Real Book” or those songs everyone pulls out of the hat to jam to…

(songs like Free bird, Cocaine, Knockin’ on Heavens Door, any I-IV-V progressions, etc… NOTE: nothing against these songs but this is for those players who want to evolve or just have some creative fun.

If you need some inspiration or some grooves to work with go to Loopmasters Undrgrnd Basement Jams. If you sign up, “No Cost”, you can download the free sample pack  for some inspiration.

Just fill in the form and you will receive a monthly Jam Game idea for free!

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